Shroud Of shadows is a rpg game set in a ruined world where the sun has long dissapeared. Explore the ruins of ancient civilisations (not implemented) and defeat monsters (implemented) to obtain ingredients (not implemented) to make potions (technically implemented).


insertnamehere0802 - Project Manager, Placeholder Artist, Main Programmer, Storyteller "Jack of all trades, master of none."

_polyston - Programmer, Discussionist

sha7rkk - Artist

[REDACTED] -Artist

[REDACTED] - Musician


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(3 edits)

Known bugs:
"Enemy bomb" - Sometimes enemies spawn on eachother, which can sometimes cause them to be flung accross the map.
"Instant Win" - If you click attack, and then spam click the enemy, it can register it as taking lots of attacks. This can sometimes crash your game.
"Perpetual Combat" - For unknown reasons and causes, you can become permanently stuck in the combat scene.

Its a good game nonetheless, the judges will surely give the game the highest score achievable.

You do realise that your name is on the credits, right

I do, but that doesn't affect my opinion that this game will receive the highest achievable score. Anyone who plays the game would agree with me.

It's not much, but I hope you all enjoy it.


What if it's a lot to someone, but they don't enjoy it?


These are questions that have to be asked