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(3 edits)

Known bugs:
"Enemy bomb" - Sometimes enemies spawn on eachother, which can sometimes cause them to be flung accross the map.
"Instant Win" - If you click attack, and then spam click the enemy, it can register it as taking lots of attacks. This can sometimes crash your game.
"Perpetual Combat" - For unknown reasons and causes, you can become permanently stuck in the combat scene.

Its a good game nonetheless, the judges will surely give the game the highest score achievable.

You do realise that your name is on the credits, right

I do, but that doesn't affect my opinion that this game will receive the highest achievable score. Anyone who plays the game would agree with me.

It's not much, but I hope you all enjoy it.


What if it's a lot to someone, but they don't enjoy it?


These are questions that have to be asked